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Web Development I

Columbia College Chicago | Spring 2020

Instructor: Doug Rosman

The new-and-improved Canvas homepage

Important video update

Guidelines for Online Class

When is class being held?

Each Monday, beginning at your usual class time (12:30pm or 3:30pm CST). Online lectures will last around 45-60 minutes. Check the schedule here.

How do I attend online lectures?

Through Zoom! Check the Canvas homepage for the Zoom meeting link. Click the Zoom link to join the waiting room, and I'll admit you. Make sure to click the 'join with computer audio' button when you first join the meeting.

How should I conduct myself in Zoom lectures?

Video and microphone are gladly accepted if possible–I love seeing your faces! You should be muted by default in the meeting so that we can avoid ambient background sound, as well as talking over each other, but you can press your spacebar to temporarily unmute yourself if you have questions or comments. If there are aren't too many people, feel free to keep your mic open.

If you can't or don't wish to participate via audio or video, that's fine too! Use the chat window during the meeting to participate.

Is attending online lectures mandatory?

No! Lectures will be recorded and posted Monday evenings on the class website here so you can watch them on your own time. But I will still be taking "attendance." See below.

How can I be marked present each week?

Schedule a ten-minute meeting with me in Canvas once a week for the rest of the semester. These meetings are to check in on your work, and a chance for me to help you with any technical questions you might have.

Here's how to do that through Canvas.

How does attendance affect my grade?

Attendance going forward will count as 10% of your grade. Your attendance record from the pre-quarantine "before-time" will all be counted as present. Clean slate for everyone!

How will assignments work in this class?

Each assignment I post will have a clear due date, instructions for how to turn it in, and a list of expectations for receiving full credit.

Assignments will always be due by 11:59pm on their due date.

What is the late work policy?

I have decided to remove the late-work policy for this class. As long as you turn in completed work, you can receive full credit for it. If you don't get 100% percent on an assignment, you can re-submit as many times as you need for full credit.

What is the school-wide grading policy?

From the provost:

  • The deadline to declare a class (or classes) Pass/Fail is Friday, May 1st.
  • It is optional to declare a class Pass/Fail…it is not mandatory to declare classes Pass/Fail.
  • If you decide to declare a class Pass/Fail, your faculty member can only assign you a grade of “P” (for Pass) or “F” (for Fail)…but faculty will not be able to assign A, B, C, D grades.
  • A “P” grade will have no impact on your semester or cumulative GPA, you will simply earn the credits in the class and towards graduation.
  • The “F” grade is still a failing grade and it will definitely impact your Semester and Cumulative GPA.
  • The “P” grade in the Spring 2020 is different because it will fulfill major and minor requirements, as well as prerequisites for future classes (typically a “P” grade at Columbia does not meet those requirements).
  • To designate this special Spring 2020 “P” grade – it will actually be recorded on your Academic Record as a “PX” grade.
  • Students who are seeking to improve their GPA this semester may decide the P/F is not the best the option for them, because the “P” grade will have no impact on your GPA.
  • Once a student declares a course as Pass/Fail, it cannot be converted back to a standard letter-graded course.
  • There is no limit to the number of courses a student declares as Pass/Fail.
  • To consider the pros/cons of the Pass/Fail option, we encourage all students to speak with their assigned Academic Advisor in the College Advising Center or directly with your course faculty member. Finally, if you wish to declare a class Pass/Fail, you can find instructions and the form on the Columbia Central website.

What is the grading breakdown for this class?

  • Attendance: 10%
  • Assignments: 60%
  • Final Project: 30%

Should I change my grade in this class to be Pass/Fail, or should I keep it as a letter grade?

If you feel like you're having a difficult time focusing on this class and you're worried about getting all your assignments in, I recommend switching to Pass/Fail. If you make this choice, I encourage you to reach out to me on Discord if you want to express your concerns to me.

Otherwise, I think it is quite likely you all can get good grades in this class, even if you feel like you've been behind. I want to do whatever I can to help you succeed!