Web Development I

Columbia College Chicago | Spring 2020


Final Project Mockup

Points: 10

Due: Tuesday, 04/28 @ 11:59pm (you can still get full credit if you turn it in past this deadline. This is more of a suggestion.)


Creating a blueprint/wireframe/mockup of your web page before launching in to build it can really help with the development process (this goes for most/all projects, not just websites!)


In your medium of choice, create a mockup/outline/blueprint/wireframe of your website. You can do sketch it out on pen and paper, use a mockup website like Canva or Figma, or something like Adobe Illustrator.

Here's an excellent tutorial on how to use Figma to mockup a webpage

You can be as detailed as you like. Think about the following elements as you create your mockup:

  1. How many pages will you have?
  2. What will your pages look like?
  3. What color scheme will your website use?
  4. What fonts will you use?
  5. How can you break things up into sections? Where will your images or written content go?
  6. Will users know how to navigate your website based on how you've laid things out?

How to submit:

Upload a mockup to Canvas as an image, a PDF, or send me a link to your project on Figma, Canva, or wherever else it might be!

Points: 10

Due: Tuesday, 04/28 @ 11:59pm (you can still get full credit if you turn it in past this deadline. This is more of a suggestion.)

How to receive full credit:

Turn in a mock-up!