Points: 10
Due: Tuesday, 04/28 @ 11:59pm (you can still get full credit if you turn it in past this deadline. This is more of a suggestion.)
Creating a blueprint/wireframe/mockup of your web page before launching in to build it can really help with the development process (this goes for most/all projects, not just websites!)
In your medium of choice, create a mockup/outline/blueprint/wireframe of your website. You can do sketch it out on pen and paper, use a mockup website like Canva or Figma, or something like Adobe Illustrator.
Here's an excellent tutorial on how to use Figma to mockup a webpage
You can be as detailed as you like. Think about the following elements as you create your mockup:
Upload a mockup to Canvas as an image, a PDF, or send me a link to your project on Figma, Canva, or wherever else it might be!
Points: 10
Due: Tuesday, 04/28 @ 11:59pm (you can still get full credit if you turn it in past this deadline. This is more of a suggestion.)
Turn in a mock-up!