Web Development I

Columbia College Chicago | Spring 2020


Final Project Proposal

Points: 10

Due: Tuesday, 04/21 @ 11:59pm


Read through the Final Project Guidelines and write up a proposal for your website. The goal of this assignment is to help you structure what you want to make, and help me to find the best way to help you achieve that.


Answer the following questions in your proposal:

  1. Of the five types of websites I gave examples of (Portfolio, Web Tool, Web Art, Fan/Educational site, Other), which of these types are you going to create?
  2. What general direction are you taking your site and why (for instance, if you're doing a portfolio, are you going for something minimal or elaborate? Why?)
  3. What minimum technical requirements are you worried about implementing?
  4. How are you thinking about approaching this website technically?
  5. What specific things do you want to learn in order to make this website?
  6. (optional) feel free to include any drawings or images that will help explain your idea to me.


Here's a timeline with some milestones designed to help you work through this project incrementally. Required milestones are assignments worth 10 points each (see the assignments page for more info). Optional milestones are there to help you stay on track, and don't need to be turned in.

Milestone Due Required?
Project Proposal Tuesday, 04/21 @11:59pm Yes
Website mockup/outline Monday, 04/27 @11:59pm Yes
Rough Draft (HTML structure) Monday, 05/04 Optional
Second Draft (CSS styling + JavaScript) Friday, 05/08 Optional
Finished Site Monday, 05/11 before your scheduled class Yes

How to submit:

Write your proposal in whatever format you're comfortable with (word doc, google doc, directly in canvas, html, etc.) and submit it to Canvas. In the Final Project Proposal Assignment.

How to receive full credit:

Complete the proposal and turn it in.