

Note (Update 5/11/2023)

I haven’t tested this notebook since Google Colab recently updated its default Python Version to 3.10 in April 2023 ( There is a good chance the version of PyTorch required is no longer compatible. Feel free to try the notebook though.

Start Here

Doug’s forked pix2pixHD repo has the link to the Colab Notebook at the top of the README. Alternatively, you can click here to download the notebook, and then upload it to your own Google Drive.

Updated pix2pixHD notebook: summary of fixes and changes

I would watch this before watching the 1-hour tutorial.

pix2pixHD Video Tutorial (start to finish)

This is a long video (a little over an hour!) But I’ve included chapter markers to make it easy to jump to just the sections you need. If you are familiar with Google Colab (and particularly the StyleGAN2-ada-PyTorch notebook we’ve been using in this class, then there are definitely parts of this video you can skip)